We strongly suggest that you complete our E-Waiver which you can find by looking down at the bottom of this page. When you complete our simple to use E-waiver you will be kept in our system for at least 1 year. A printable version of our waiver can be downloaded and printed by clicking this Bounce Waiver Poughkeepsie. Paper versions of our waiver are only good for the day and must then be redone each time you come. If you are bringing other people’s children with you please have them complete the E-Waiver below so there will not be a delay when you arrive. You cannot sign for other people’s children. If your child is attending a birthday party at Bounce, please sign the e-waiver below in advance so there won’t be a delay on the day of the party.

Be sure to complete all information requested. Please note that the waiver can only be signed by individuals 18 and over. Parents must sign for their OWN children (not friends or relatives) or those for whom they serve as legal guardian if the children are 17 or younger. We also have waivers available at our location.
Two Kids On Trampoline — Poughkeepsie, NY — Bounce Family Entertainment


  • All Bouncers must wear non slip socks. 
  • All bouncers must submit a signed waiver of liability in order to access the trampoline courts.
  • All bouncers under the age of 18 must submit a waiver of liability signed by a parent or legal guardian.
  • Bounce!® reserves the right to request ID from anyone over 18
  • We keep your waiver on file for one year so there is no need to fill one out each time you arrive at Bounce!®
If you have any questions feel free to call us at 845-206-4555.
REMINDER! EVERYONE MUST HAVE A SIGNED WAIVER SIGNED BY THEIR OWN PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN BEFORE THEY CAN JUMP! Electronic waivers are stored for up to a year. Paper waivers are only good for the day the jumper is attending. Please use the E-Waiver link below to complete the electronic waiver which will also help expedite the check in process. 
Call us today for more information at 845-206-4555!
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